The beloved Final Fantasy spin-off, the Mana Series, is making a comeback with a brand new semi-open world…
In a surprising and massive reveal, SEGA unveiled a trailer featuring the unexpected revival of five of their…
The renowned studio behind the beautiful Ori series, Moon Studios, unveiled a new, audacious Action RPG ‘No Rest…
The lively personality, Ikumi Nakamura, took the stage at The Game Awards to announce her first project, KEMURI. It…
Hellblade 2, the eerie action-adventure game, confirmed its eerie and gory nature in a new trailer revealed at…
To celebrate God of War Ragnarok selling 15 million copies on both PS5 and PS4, Sony and Santa…
The simplest answer is that you will get the key as part of a side quest, “A Rare…
Got onto the internet because you wanted to search up how to pressure Thunderclaw for the Voltaic Canine…
Grassy Viaduct Cache Location is the probably the second you will encounter of a set of not-so-hidden cache locations…