Who remembers this iconic scene from the original Final Fantasy VII where the party meet a Midgar Zolom with Cloud saying: “Did Sephiroth do this?” before the they reaches Mythril Mine?
The Midgar Zolom lurks near the marsh before the party reaches the mine, and if you attempt to cross the marsh unprepared, it triggers a battle and goes to wipe out your entire party. This scenario, complete with the need to play a mini-game to breed a chocobo to safely cross the marsh, truly needs to make a comeback. It evokes beautiful memories from when I played Final Fantasy VII with my brother, and it would be fascinating to see new players attempt to figure out how to escape the snake’s deadly grasp and survive the perilous marsh passage.
Final Fantasy Rebith was just greeted with an astonishing positive reviews and if this exact scene is not there in this part of the Remakes, we at Ermis Gaming will surely won’t be happy, it is an iconic and fundmental Final Fantasy VII scene, we want to see it on HD.