Square Enix announced a gorgeously crafted second set of vinyl records for the highly acclaimed Final Fantasy XIV OST through their official store entitled ‘Final Fantasy XIV Vinyl LP Box Vol. 2’.
The set will encompass music from A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, Stormblood, Shadowbringers, and Endwalker, each selected from the original soundtrack by sound director Masayoshi Soken, while the vinyl cutting was done in Los Angeles by Bernie Grundman and each LP jacket features stunning illustrations by Yoshioka.
The Final Fantasy XIV Vinyl LP Box Vol. 2 will be sold as a set for $124.99 or individual jackets for $29.99.
Here is the tracklist accompanying every LP:
A Realm Reborn Disc:
Side A
Prelude – Discoveries
To the Sun
Breaking Boundaries
Side B
The Maker’s Ruin
Calamity Unbound
Rise of the White Raven
From the Ashes
A World Apart
Heavensward Disc:
Side A
A Cold Wind
Night in the Brume
Paradise Found
Ominous Prognisticks
Unbending Steel
Revenge Twofold
Side B
Shadow of the Body
Voidal Manifest
Scale and Steel
Down the Up Staircase
Stormblood Disc:
Side A
Prelude – Long March Home
Crimson Sunset
Riotous Ends
Gates of the Moon
Liberty or Death
Side B
Amatsu Kaze
From the Heavens
A Land Long Dead
Shadowbringers Disc:
Side A
Four-fold Knowing
The Dark Which Illuminates the World
High Treason
Sands of Amber
Side B
Shadows Withal
Mortal Instants
Force Your Way
Blinding Indigo
In the Arms of War
Promises to Keep
Endwalker Disc:
Side A
Prelude – Tales
The Day Will Come (Endwalker)
On Blade’s Edge
Vibrant Voices
Your Answer
Heroes Forge Ahead
Home Beyond the Horizon
Side B
With Hearts Aligned
Hic Svnt Leones
Black Steel, Cold Embers
Miracle Works
Of Countless Stars