The Whymzelett is the second Fiend Intel you will get when you reach the Junon region in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. This mission is quite different, as you have to stop them from flying when they start using Soothing Breeze if you are looking to meet all the requirements in this Intel Mission.
Whymzelett is weak to ice attacks, but you don’t really need to break them to stop them. All you need to do is apply enough damage to them the moment they start casting Soothing Breeze. My strategy was to fill the ATB gauge for all my characters and the moment they start casting Soothing Breeze, in my case, Red XIII’s Stardust Rays and Cloud’s Triple Slash were enough to not just stop them but stagger them and help finish them before it happens again. The mission also asks you to stagger them, so don’t forget to continue attacking them to finish all the mission’s side perks.
Watch the video below to see how I did it.